Saturday, February 24, 2007


My first scientific paper got accepted today, "with significant revisions". I tried to work on it but got overwhelmed. I need to finish the second paper, which is in rough shape. I read it over last night and it needs lots of work. The reviewers (2) did a good job. They made some good points, especially about some work I didn't cite. Now I have mucho work to do on that... Here are some dates for you to consider. The deadline to defend my dissertation is April 20th. I should have my dissertation to my five advisors about a month before that (so they can read it and hopefully sign the form saying it's ok to defend). So that is March 20th. Slightly over three weeks. My third paper isn't really started. I have the idea, I have the data. Can I pull this together in three weeks? My internship ends on April 13th. Then (if I'm finishing this semester) I scramble back to Tucson to defend the next week. Then the actual formatted dissertation is due to the Grad College on May first. Yikes. Yikes. I think I can do it. My motivation is: a job offer will be contingent on finishing the degree. So if not done in May, I'll have to wait until August. A forced 3-month vacation, and a hiatus from a paycheck. That will be a little tight.

1 comment:

Neil and Diana said...

Yikes, Andrew! Call if you need any moral support.