Thursday, June 02, 2011


I now have 13.1 hours of flight time.  12.1 of that on this "go round".  This Saturday I have my FAA Flight Medical which I need before soloing (flying without my instructor in the plane).  I suppose I'll need to get insurance too.  Expensive hobby.  The last several lessons have been take-offs, traffic pattern, and landings.  Landings are the toughest for me.  I can take off, I can do traffic, operate the radio, and I can usually do a nice high-performance approach.  The last 10 vertical feet is what gives me trouble.  I get scared as the rate of descent increases and the ground approaches.  Then I over-compensate by pulling back too much on the stick (usually).

In the most recent lesson we went back through basic maneuvers, slow flight, stalls, etc.  I felt like I did about 100x better than my first or second lesson (last time we did basic maneuvers).  Med certificate, a few more practice T/Os and landings, and I'll be soloing!


Plants Amaze Me said...

It's hard to say for sure, which is the scary part, but could be when you solo you will just do great landings because you have to, it will be all up to you?

I'm sure you will do fine, I'm hardly scared at all!

Tonia said...

I heard you have jet skis now too. That would cover air and water, owning a piece of land covers all you need is some firefighter training and you have your basic elements covered!

stratovolcano said...

Tonia, I don't have jet skis yet, my co-worker is trying to sell me some. Regarding the fire... um... I guess you and Ben haven't seen my oxyfuel welding setup???

Tonia said...
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Tonia said...

After cleaning up after 12 kids today I might need to borrow the welding torch to clean the house.